Friday, June 27, 2014

Ellen Dugan's new release: Practical Prosperity Magic

 Practical Prosperity Magic by Ellen Dugan

Just finished reading Ellen Dugan's new release "Practical Prosperity Magic, Creating Success and Abundance", great book, also includes working with BOTH Goddesses Fortuna, for good luck, and Juno Moneta, for the money. According to Ellen, "this book is selling so well that it is already back for a second printing. Two weeks after its release!"

Buy through Temple of the Goddess Fortuna affiliate link for extra " oomph " !!

Just finished reading the book in detail, marking the dates for the workings on my calendar, and have modified Ellen's idea for working with the Goddess Cerridwen to banish poverty, as a working with the Goddess Hecate:

Candle Spell to Banish Poverty with the Goddess Hecate

On a Saturday, or in the time of the black/waning moon, anoint a white taper with lavender and mint essential oils, place near an image of the Goddess Hecate, or Her symbols of the triple goddess or keys. Hold the candle and Open with the spell candle blessing on page 59. Then recite:

"Blessed Hecate, bearer of the torch,
Banish poverty from my home and porch!
Give me the keys so I may lock the door,
Financial lack shall bother me no more.
Let Hermeticism enlighten me,
Full of cash my accounts and purse shall be!
Whether from business or winning a prize,
Light the way, and show me before my eyes,
Steps I should take and the path to success,
That my wealth and happiness will be blessed."
Then close the workings with a phrase, modified from the text:
"For the Good of all and with harm to none,
By Hecate's magic, this spell is done."

For those who already have the book, today is the day of the dark/new moon, tomorrow is Saturday, under the influence of the window of the dark moon.

For those who haven't purchased yet, please consider buying through Temple of the Goddess Fortuna affiliate link for extra " oomph "!

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